Anime is the term used to describe the animated movie / cartoon Japan. The word is derived from the word animation is in Everywhere appeared vampire. one of his first movie "Twilight Saga" new moon ". This film has broken box office records with earned more than 70 million U.S. dollars and will likely become the biggest opening profit in history.
Actually Twilight Saga series is not the first vampire story that was appointed to the big screen. Over the past decades has been a lot of famous movies with the theme of vampires.
Public thirst for vampire seems similar to the blood thirsty vampire in legend itself.
Contemporary fiction writers who ever picked up a vampire theme, such as Stephenie Meyer (Twilight Saga), Anne Rice (Interview with the Vampire), and Stephen King (Salem's Lot), has a "mine" the legend that endless to be dug. But actually what we now form a view on a vampire? The answer lies in the gray area around the myths and truths.
Pike Victims
Some sources mistakenly trace the origins of the vampire on a Romanian prince, Vlad Tepes (1431-1476), who fought for independence from the Ottoman Empire. Although arguably a very brutal and sadistic way (for example he kills his enemies with the spear jabbed a little, pull out their entrails, cut up their bodies, burning them, and others), things are indeed common in wartime age.
The same techniques are also used by the Catholic Church and other rulers in the Middle Ages to torture and kill the enemy.
Bram Stoker (Dracula) also have incorporated aspects of Vlad Tepes Dracula into the figures in his work. Although Tepes was also affecting picture of vampire fiction today, the roots of real vampires have a different origin. In terms of culture, the vampire is a phenomenon that appears in the entire world.
According to anthropologist Paul Barber who is the author of Vampire, Burial, and Death (vampire, funerals, and death), almost all cultures have similar stories of local versions of the vampire legend, and everything "has a surprising resemblance to the European-style vampire", he said .
Belief in the existence of vampires came from superstition and false assumptions about the decay after death. Note the first discovery of the vampire spread across Europe during the Middle Ages. The stories all follow the same pattern: bad luck befall a person, a family, or a city, perhaps because the famine that damage crops, or the spread of plague.
In those days, science can not explain weather patterns and the germ theory. So, bad luck whatever obscure reason can be blamed on a vampire. Vampire is an easy answer to explain why from the first bad things can happen to good people.
Dead But Not to rot
The villagers combine their belief that there is a curse that was going on between them and their fear of death and the dead. By doing so, they concluded that perhaps the people who just dikuburlah responsible because they had risen from the grave to do evil.
Therefore, the tombs excavated, and the villagers are often shocked by the normal process of decay, and thought it was a supernatural phenomenon.
For example, although people usually assume that the body would decompose quickly, if a sealed coffin and buried in the winter, then the decay can be delayed several weeks or even months. Intestinal putrefaction can cause swelling of blood pushed into the mouth so that the corpse looks like he'd been sucking blood.
This process is well understood by physicians and funeral today. However, in medieval Europe, all these are signs that can not be denied that vampires are real and haunt them.
Although vampire "really" have not existed, the legend-the legend continues to captivate the world. It seems that either science or silver milestone not immune to kill the vampire myth.
Statement of Persons
People in transyylvania (country of origin of the vampire myth), declared that the vampire that "exist" (there). It is aimed at a particular day when they put garlic that was planted at the front gate house locals. Many people say that if a vampire from the dead who rose again in the form and different really! They are usually transformed into a bat tail. So they said if Vampires live by feeding on the nature of life (usually in the form of blood) living beings, regardless of whether they are someone who is immortal, or people who become animeshon hidup.pelafalan Japanese. The word was later shortened to
anime. Although the anime is basically not intended exclusively for Japanese animation, but most people use these words to distinguish between an animated film made in Japan and non-Japanese.
The history of animation works in Japan begins with doing the First Experiments in Animation by Bokoten Shimokawa, Koichi Junichi, and Kitayama Seitaro in 1913. Then followed a short film (only lasted about 5 minutes) work entitled Oten Shimokawa Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki in 1917. At that time Oten takes 6 months just to do the animation over 5 minutes and still be "a silent movie." Work Oten was then followed by the anime titled Saru Kani Kassen and Momotaro Kitayama Seitaro work in 1918, which made for the movie company Katsudo Nihon Shashin (Nikatsu). In 1918 Seitaro re-create anime with no Banpei Taro title. But all records about the anime is said to be lost due to the earthquake in Tokyo in 1923.
Besides Oten and Seitaro, there are also several other animators like, Junichi Kouichi (Hanahekonai Meitou no Maki, 1917), Sanae Yamamoto (Obasuteyama, 1924), Noburo Ofuji (Saiyuki, 1926 and Urashima Taro, 1928), Yasushi Murata (Dobutsu Olympic Taikai , 1928). At the moment, there are also the first anime that have a sequel that is Sarugashima (1930) and the continuation of Kaizoku-bune (1931).
In 1927, the United States has managed to create animations by using sound (it was only using background music). Japan then follow the steps and the first anime to use the sound of music is Kujira (1927) work Noburo Ofuji. While the first anime that "talk" is the work entitled Kuro Nyago Ofuji (1930) and a duration of 90 seconds. One of the anime that was recorded before World War II broke out and was the first anime to use the optical track (as used in the present) is Chikara To Onna No Yononaka (1932) by Kenzo Masaoka.
In 1943, Masaoka along with his disciples, Senoo Kosei, they make less than five episodes of the anime titled Momotaro no Umiwashi (Momotaro, the Sea Eagle). This is an anime that aired the first Japanese anime with a duration of more than 30 minutes (short animated feature film). Near the end of the War of the Pacific, namely in April 1945, Senoo have made and display approximately nine episodes of the anime which is a major work, Momotaro: Umi no Shinpei (Momotaro: Devine Soldier of the Sea).
This anime is the first Japanese anime-length, which is about 72 minutes (animated feature film). Both are anime propaganda legend adapted from the famous Japanese story, Momotaro, and is one of the most popular anime at that time.
Noburo Ofuji also never tried to make anime that color. At that time he made the anime Ogon no Hana (1930) with only 2 colors, but never released. The first anime that was released with new colors appear long after it is Boku no Yakyu (194 8) by Megumi Asano.
After World War II, anime and manga industry to rise again thanks to Osamu Tezuka. The man dubbed the "God of Manga" is at that time was only about 20 years and his work is Shintakarajima which appeared in 1947. Only in a few years, Tezuka became very famous.